President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia Visits Mimika Sport Complex

April 14, 2023

On Thursday, April 6, 2023, Mimika Sport Complex welcomed a special guest. The President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia, Tony Wenas, visited the headquarters of the Papua Football Academy and the Mimika Decentralized Athletics National Training Center.

Tony Wenas came to the Mimika Sport Complex with a delegation from Jakarta to celebrate the 56th anniversary of PT Freeport Indonesia, which falls on April 7, 2023. Not only was he accompanied by the company’s management and several former high-ranking PT FI officials, but also by some national media operators.

Public figures such as Dwiki Dharmawan, Ita Purnamasari, and Andre Hehanussa also attended the event and admired the sports facilities at the Mimika Sport Complex.

During the occasion, Tony Wenas received an explanation about the existence and development of the Papua Football Academy and Mimika Decentralized Athletics National Training Center, which are headquartered at the Mimika Sport Complex, from the Director of PT Freeport Indonesia, Claus Wamafma.

Wolfgang Pikal, as the Director of Papua Football Academy, also explained the development of 30 students in the first year. From technical aspects of football to character-building for future players when they eventually enter society.

The drizzly rain that greeted the delegation’s arrival at the Mimika Sport Complex did not diminish the excitement of the event. The guests took the time to watch the children of the Papua Football Academy and the athletic athletes practicing.

Happy anniversary, PT Freeport Indonesia.


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